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Preventative Care and Dental Emergencies

woman wearing shades with peace signKeeping your smile healthy is a great way to lower your chance of a dental emergency. Since common emergencies often link back to underlying dental concerns, early intervention is quite important.

Regular Exams

We recommend booking a checkup every six months. During these visits, we’ll evaluate your smile for signs of gum infection, tooth demineralisation and changes that have taken place since your last exam. That way small cavities can be intercepted before they evolve into painful, abscessed teeth.


Getting fitted with an athletic mouthguard is a smart investment. Your custom appliance helps prevent chipped or knocked out teeth, as well as the risk of concussions during sporting activities.

Professionally-made sports guards offer better protection than over-the-counter appliances. Plus, you can customise yours to match team colours.

Periodic X-rays

Are dental X-rays really necessary if you have healthy teeth? Yes. Periodic digital X-rays help us pinpoint problems before you notice the symptoms. That way we can treat the infection while it’s smaller (and more affordable) instead of delaying treatment until it’s reached a severe stage.

Orthodontics and Braces

How can orthodontic treatment be preventative? If you didn’t already know, having a misaligned bite puts you at a higher risk of fractured teeth and cavities. Choosing to align your smile with braces goes deeper than aesthetic benefits. Properly aligned teeth tend to be healthier and less at-risk to trauma during falls or bumps to the mouth.

Childhood Dental Care

It’s important to schedule regular preventative care visits for your child from a young age. All too often, a child’s first experience in the dental office is one related to an emergency. By seeing your child before problems pop up, we can offer preventative services like sealants and fluoride, lowering their risk of cavities to begin with.

Need an Emergency Dentist Near You?

Our practice is currently accepting new patients of all ages. We make it our top priority to get you out of pain as quickly as possible; in some cases, we can start treatment straightaway. If you require same-day emergency care, we invite you to contact us today.

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